As global interest in electric vehicles (EV) continues to grow, Linfox and its industry partners are working to accelerate uptake of the technology in Australia’s road transport sector.
Together with the Australian Logistics Council (ALC) and valued customers Woolworths and Australia Post, Linfox has helped form a working group dedicated to increasing industry engagement in EV technologies.
The ALC’s Electric Vehicles Working Group is focussed on setting industry priorities, identifying and navigating the barriers to uptake and supporting legislative and regulatory change.
As leaders in logistics, Linfox and the ALC appeared at the July Senate Inquiry into electric vehicles on behalf of the industry and provided recommendations and insights on the benefits of widespread adoption.
Earlier this year, Linfox Executive Chairman Peter Fox highlighted plans to make Linfox the first mover on electric vehicles, specifically electric trucks, subject to the development of supporting infrastructure and manufacturer supply of appropriate vehicles.
The plans are underpinned by Linfox’s 2007 commitment to reduce its environmental impact and advance technologies that deliver great outcomes for both customers and the planet.
To this end, Linfox is supporting customer and fellow ALC member Woolworths as it trials EV technologies at the Linfox owned Australian Automotive Research Centre in Anglesea.
The trial includes a fully electric truck developed by systems integrator SEA Electric for Woolworths Online and store deliveries. According to SEA Electric, the truck can travel more than 220 kilometres on one charge.
Linfox continues to work alongside the Electric Vehicle Council to engage key global suppliers to ensure the development of cost-effective, non-payload constrained EVs across several weight classes for use in the Australian market.
Linfox is paving the way for the introduction of EVs in its fleet by:
- trialling EVs at Linfox’s purpose-built facilities
- investing in renewable energy solutions to power EVs, including installing 500kW of solar panels in Linfox warehouses
- implementing EV material handling equipment at Linfox sites, and
- building EV requirements into new sites.